Psychologist MSc ZFH / SBAP.
Fed. recognized Psychotherapist
Systemic Psychotherapist IEF
About us
Professional Training
2024 basic course Hypnotherapy SIMH
2023 Module Coaching AD(H)D SBAP.
2023 Module Coaching ASS SBAP.
2023 EMI (Eye Movement Integration) with Eva Pollani
2023 Systemic Trauma-Therapy with Reinert Hanswille
2022 basic course NeuroAffective Relational Model ™ (NARM) with Michael Mokrus
Since September 2022 self-employed as a psychotherapist (Anordnungsmodell)
2021-2022 further education in Psychotrauma therapy at the Institut für körperzentrierte Psychotherapie (IKP)
2021 further education in Schematherapie ISTOS (basic module)
2021 Ruby from Poland joins me in the practice
2020-2022 delegated Psychotherapy with Dr. med. univ. P. Englisch
Different courses in Ego-States Therapy
2016-2020 delegated Psychotherapy with Dr. med. W. Rebetez
2015-2019 in the Clinic for Consilliary Psychiatry and Psychosomatics at Universitätsspital Zürich as clinical Psychologist. Main tasks:
- consilliary psychiatric work in all clinics of the USZ
- psychooncology, care of oncology patients and their families
- Gender-Dysphoria practice, diagnostics and assistance of
transition processes, interdisciplinary exchange inhouse
- care of patients with burn injuries and their families
2015-2019 training course and qualification in systemic therapy and counselling at the Institute for Systemic Therapy & Counselling (IEF) in Zürich.
Bachelor and Master in Applied Psychology with consolidation in Clinical Psychology.
Master in Applied Psychology ZFH
Psychologist SBAP.
Fed. recognised Psychotherapist
Admission to OKP (obligatorische Krankenpflegeversicherung) as a psychotherapist in Kanton Zürich
Licence as Psychotherapist Kanton Zürich
Titles and Licences

Research / Publications